

A new issue of postage stamps, with fauna as subject, is developed by Romfilatelia and introduced into circulation on the occasion of the “World Nature Reserves and National Parks Day”, on Thursday, January 11th, this year.

It is the first day of the world’s ecological calendar, chosen at the initiative of several environmental organizations to mark the 84th anniversary of the establishment of the Barguzinsky Nature Reserve in Russia in 1997.

At the national level, more than 900 nature reserves and nature monuments have been designated. Of these, Romsilva manages 22 national and nature parks, and over 190 nature reserves and nature monuments.

The postage stamps of the World Nature Reserves Day issue show in their images the wisent belonging to the species Bison bonasus, found in Europe. The wisent is the largest land mammal in Europe, once present throughout the continent except for Spain, Italy and northern Scandinavia.

In Romania, wild wisents are found in the Vânători Neamț Nature Park, the Țarcu Mountains and the Făgăraș Mountains. Although out of the category of vulnerable species, wisents are in great need of interventions for conservation.

In Romania, wisents can be seen in the Dragoș-Vodă Reserve in Vânători Neamț. Wisents were introduced to Romania in 1958 when the first two specimens were brought from Poland and kept in a reserve in Hațeg.

The images of the postage stamps with the face values of Lei 2, 3, 6 and 25 show wisents in various poses captured in a free-range state in the Vânători Neamț Reserve, and the illustrated border of the minisheets reproduce unique images of the landscape of the territory where they live.

Romfilatelia thanks for the documentary support Mr. Sebastian Cătănoiu, Director, PhD. and eng. Lică Balmoj, representatives of the NFA – Romsilva Vânători Neamț Nature Park Administration and Mr. Gheorghe Popa, photographer.

The philatelic issue will be available starting with Thursday, January 11th, this year, in Romfilatelia’s shops network in Bucharest, Bacău, Brașov, Cluj-Napoca, Iași and Timișoara and online on 

For further information, please contact the Public Relations Office:

Tel: 021 / 336 93 92
