

World Environment Day, celebrated every year on the 5th of June, has a well-defined slogan for 2023: “Beat Plastic Pollution”.

The Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests is running a nationwide information and education campaign “Recycling in Romania”. It aims to make the population more aware of the need to manage and to collect waste separately.

The main objective is to provide future generations with a model of good behaviour and responsibility for tomorrow. We want a clean country, with responsible people actively involved in living a lifestyle that respects the planet’s ecological rules.

Natural resources are finite and how we manage them affects our future. Studies show that more than half of Romanians do not collect waste separately in their own households, unaware of the negative impact on the environment. Responsible environmental behaviour is essential to avoid consequences such as: increasing pollution levels, damage to health, destruction of natural habitats, increased production costs.

Among the appeals included in the “Recycle in Romania!” campaign, initiated by the Ministry of Environment, we mention:

“Get informed about the impact our actions have on the environment!

Collect separately and with care for nature!

Talk to your friends and neighbours about the importance of doing so and, if appropriate, ask your local authorities to support that efforts!”

Thus, through your actions, you will contribute to:

Reintroducing waste into the economic cycle

Smart household waste management

Protecting the environment and ensuring a sustainable future

Romfilatelia joins these goals aimed at promoting responsibility for environmental protection, through
the theme of the World Environment Day postage stamps issue, which will be introduced into circulation as from Friday, the 9th of June, this year.

 The images illustrated on the stamp of the issue with the face value of Lei 11 and on the First Day Cover visually depict suggestive graphic elements, which sound an alarm about environmental problems, especially those related to pollution, which affect both human life and the natural habitat, endangering the life of animals and the extinction of many species.

Excessive human actions – depicted on the stamp by symbols such as pollution from burning fossil fuels in thermal power plants and furnaces, highways, tunnels, chainsaws that lay waste to forests – can lead to imbalances in natural ecosystems, with negative and irreversible effects for life on planet Earth.

The graphics of the First Day Cover of the issue also depict the shrinking of natural areas in the symbolic form of an island with a decreasing surface area where animals from different habitats try to find rescue.

Romfilatelia thanks the representatives of the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests for their documentary support to the development of this postage stamps issue.
