

Bucharest, January 29th, 2024

Today, Romfilatelia was present at the Choral Temple in Bucharest, where the Ceremony dedicated to the International Holocaust Remembrance Day was organized, the session being opened by Mr. Silviu Vexler, President of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania, followed by speeches from representatives of the Presidential Administration, Parliament, members of the Government, attended by the diplomatic corps accredited in Romania, religious cults and the descendants of Holocaust victims.

There was also a video message from Mr. Amir Ohana, Speaker of the Knesset, highlighting the close bilateral ties between Romania and Israel.

Through the speeches made, the memory of those who sacrificed their lives in the Holocaust, the 6 million Jews, was honoured and paid tribute to. The officials in attendance assumed their sacred duty to keep alive the memory of the victims of the Holocaust and their responsibility to act for tolerance, rights and freedoms, democracy, the fight against anti-Semitism and xenophobia.

Romfilatelia, in its mission as a promoter of universal values, has, over the years, emphasized Jewish spiritual values and honoured the victims of the Holocaust through issues of postage stamps and philatelic products, with the promise that it will continue to be with all the important moments of the Jewish community.

May the memory of the victims remain forever in our souls!

#Holocaust #ZiuaInternaționalădeComemorareaHolocaustului #Israel #TemplulCoral #FederațiaComunitățilorEvreieștidinRomânia #AdministrațiaPrezidențială #ParlamentulRomâniei #GuvernulRomâniei #ParlamentulKnesset