The “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Iași (UMF Iași) is celebrating 145 years of higher medical education in Romania, from December 8th to 13th. On this occasion, the University today paid tribute to the great scientist George Emil Palade, marking 50 years since he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, presented on December 10th, 1974.
At the opening ceremony of the UMF Iași Days, held at the “George Emil Palade” Hall, Romfilatelia was invited to present and launch the postage stamp issue and album dedicated to the event.
In her speech, Cristina Popescu, the General Manager of Romfilatelia, reviewed the postage stamp issues dedicated to the Romanian scientist George Emil Palade and presented the tribute philatelic album.
Speakers at the event included Prof. Viorel Scripcariu, Ph.D., Rector, Prof. Irina Căruntu, Ph.D., President of the Senate of the “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Iași, Mihai Chirica, Mayor of Iași, and representatives of the celebrating institution.
Both members of the University’s academic community and officials from Iași, as well as representatives of other state universities in Iași, were invited.
During the ceremony, faculty members who earned the title of professor this year were awarded, as well as students with outstanding academic results and winners of recent student competitions.
Romfilatelia thanks UMF Iași and the communication and marketing team for their documentary support, and the hosts for the beautiful and exceptional organization of this important event, which is now part of the history of Romanian science and higher education in Iași, the historic and cultural capital of Romania.
Happy Anniversary, UMF Iași!
’Excellence is a journey, not a destination.’
Photo source: Doru Hobjila
#UMFIași #GeorgeEmilPalade #SemicentenaryofRomanianNobelPrize #CityofIasi #RomanianAcademy #ExcellenceinEducation #NicolaeSimionescuInstituteofBiologyandCellularPathology
#Romfilatelia #collections #philately #Agerpres