
The Holy Easter 2009

PASTI_2009_M  The same as every year, occasioned by the Holy Easter or Jesus´ Resurrection Holiday, Romfilatelia introduces into circulation the postage stamps issue dedicated to this event: Holy Easter, the most important Religious holiday over the year.            The same as every year, occasioned by the Holy Easter or Jesus´ Resurrection Holiday, Romfilatelia introduces into circulation the postage stamps issue dedicated to this event: Holy Easter, the most important Religious holiday over the year.
The images represented on the postage stamps of the philatelic issue (Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension) have been chosen from the “St. George” Church iconostasis, the old Metropolitan Cathedral from Iasi.
In 1761, the Bishop Gavriil Calimachi, brother of John Teodor Calimachi ruler, started building the church and he finished it around 1768-1770. From the architectural point of view, this joins the predominant style of the Moldavian churches. In front of the entrance door it was built a church-porch, portico shaped. Inside, the iconostasis, considered to be a masterpiece of the Balkan Baroque style, lays like a lace, showing a stringing of leaves with bunches, with double petals flowerage, with the sunflower or the horn of plenty, among which one can see the lion, the gryphon, the deer with the cross between its antlers, the bicephalous eagle, a bird with a snake in its claws.
The icons discovered when looking at the “St. George” Church iconostasis are icons like: Mother of God, the founder, Jesus Christ our Savior, Saint George and also the Mary’s Assumption.
This foundation entirely can be considered a monument of religious art, an important phase of the history of the Moldavian church architecture.
In 1999, His Holiness Daniel added to this Church the patron Saint Pious Theodora from Sihla.
In November 2006, due to the consolidation works carried on to the Metropolitan Cathedral from Iasi, the relics of Saint Pious Parascheva have been temporary moved here.
May the miracle of Jesus´ Resurrection, the serene thoughts of the Holy Week and the light of the Easter Holiday forever guide us on the ways where we will surely make long lasting hopes come true.
We bring here our respectful thanks to His Holiness Teofan, the Pastor of the Metropolitan Church of Moldavia and Bukovina, for his invaluable goodwill and the immediate support, offering us the images of the icons reproduced on the postage stamps.

Issue date: 2009-02-26

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