

Politie_31Conf_MAn event with European resonance, the 31st Conference of the Police Agencies from the European Capitals, which will take place in Bucharest on May this year, offers to Romfilatelia the occasion to release a postage stamps issue. An event with European resonance, the 31st Conference of the Police Agencies from the European Capitals, which will take place in Bucharest on May this year, offers to Romfilatelia the occasion to release a postage stamps issue.
The fact that for the first time Bucharest, the capital of Romania and the General Police Directorate of Bucharest are the hosts of this meeting, proves the importance and the place of the Romanian Police at European level. We can add to this the old history of our system for discipline and individual defense, but also for the protection of goods in Bucharest.
Since the beginning of the 14th century there are documents certifying the institution of the Great “Vornic” (general term referring to most officials at the court with roles ranging from counsellorship to administration, justice or military organization), who was in charge with the protection of the princely court and with trying the functionaries. His deputy, “Vataful de Vanatori” (the Hunters’ Overseer), was the commander of ruler’s personal guard and he is considered to be the forerunner of the present police prefect.
It is during the reign of Mihai Sutu that the guard in Bucharest was first set up, the first identity cards were issued and the guns possession was settled. Until 1774, the territory of the present Capital was divided, from the police point of view, in “Agia” Region (the center of the city) and Peripheral Region (the suburbs).
In 1822 was created the first flag of the Police Institution (the Flag of “Agia”) and it was handed over by ruler Grigore Dimitrie Ghica to the Great “Aga” (chief of the law enforcement agency). The flag had embroidered on it “the Annunciation”, and this is why the 25th of March became the Day of the Romanian Police.
1848, 1856, 1868 are years when the institution was organized and reorganized, actions that led to the appearance of  the police structure Law (issued in 1860 by Alexandru Ioan Cuza), followed in 1903 by the Vasile Lascar’s Law.
Starting with 1949 the Militia was established, but in 1989, according to the tradition, the Romanian Police was founded again.
Today, the Police of Bucharest, the same as the Police Agencies of the other European Capitals, has to face more and more the effects generated both by the globalization phenomenon and by the gradual loss of the traditional borders within the European Union. Because of this, now, more than ever, they are
searching for new ways of development, countless challenges through the increase of the mobility for persons, goods but also for information, both financial and of any other nature. The globalization, as a process in continuous expansion, challenges the police forces to fight against any violation of the law.
It is exactly why, in order to develop the level of efficiency for the activity of the institutions of this field, the chiefs of the European Capitals Police Agencies met inside these Conferences, regularly organized since 1979.
Regardless of the facts in each country, the activity of the European Capitals Police Agencies has a common point, namely the fight against delinquency, organized crime and offence deeds.
These reunions pointed out not only the importance of the exchange of experience at all levels of the
similar institutions of the European Capitals, but also the common characteristics specific only for the Capitals.
Hosted in turn by a capital from the European geographical territory (the European Union membership is not compulsory), the Conferences are real forums where the different points of view and the ideas exchanged can produce projects favorable to the entire Europe at the Police Institutions level.
Starting with 1997, the management of the Police Agency in Bucharest participates to these events, being represented by the General Manager of the General Police Directorate of Bucharest. In May 2007, during the Conference in Berlin, Bucharest was selected to be the host of the 31st edition of this event.
The Conference hosted in Bucharest will offer – besides the educational support for the procedures specific to the Police in an European context – the development of the cooperation relations and will directly contribute to the development of the image both of the General Police Directorate of Bucharest and of the Romanian Police Agency.

We would like to bring special thanks to the Ministry of Administration and Internal Affairs and to The General Police Directorate of Bucharest for the documentary consultancy offered for this philatelic issue.

Issue date: 2009-05-25

