
press releases

A philatelic gift for the ladies, With Love

March 8 brings each year one of the most awaited spring celebrations – International Women’s Day, a symbolic testimony of respect, appreciation and love for the female representatives. Although the feast has had various interpretations depending on the region where it is celebrated, its overall significance refers to the economic, political and social achievements obtained […]

Discover the flowers’ alphabet skilfully illustrated on the Romanian stamps

Flowers’ alphabet, the latest postage stamp issue, represents an original philatelic approach, by joining two different topics into a special graphic and artistic concept.   The 6 stamps of the project bring together the traditional philatelic topic of “flora” and the graphic concept of a head letter or initial, an uppercase letter, usually ornate, used

The Romanian postage stamp invites you to the universe of songbirds

Romfilatelia proposes to bird lovers and philatelists a new philatelic issue on the fauna topic, whose postage stamps illustrate Songbirds.   Therefore, the four stamps of the issue present birds which are assigned by ornithologists to the order Passeriformes and are characterized by the diversity of size and plumage, such as:   – The Hawfinch

Royal couples from the history of Romanian monarchy praised in national philately

The stamp, promoter and ambassador of the country, is more than a physical product, it has an image, a tradition, a history, travelling through this miniature object offering fascinating stories about the past, present and future.   The latest philatelic issue presents on the stamps a part of our national history – namely the history

Romanian stamps, expressions of art and beauty

“By his very nature man is an artist. He seeks to bring everywhere in his life, in one way or another, the beauty.” (Maxim Gorky)   Painting and sculpture have represented since ancient times expressions of the way the mind and the soul imagine the world, encompassing the essence of human creativity, and the depth
