
annual collections 2015

Joint Stamp Issue ROMANIA – BRAZIL ; Sculptures: EVE

Romfilatelia introduces into circulation the joint stamp issue Romania – Brazil, dedicated to art and implicitly to sculpture, having as theme the female biblical character, Eve. On the two stamps of the issue are illustrated the two Eve works, belonging to Gheorghe Leonida and the Brazilian sculptor Victor Brecheret. Romania established diplomatic relations with Brazil, […]

70 years since the foundation of the UN, 60 years since Romania joined the UN

In 2015, the United Nations celebrates 70 years since its foundation, through the coming into force of the UN Charter, on October 24th, 1945, and 60 years since Romania joined the organization. On this occasion, Romfilatelia introduces into circulation the postage stamp issue celebrating these two events. The UN was created as a project for


in order to showcase a more complete picture of the monetary circulation in the Romanian territory. Romfilatelia dedicates to this valuable collection a new issue of stamps which comprises four values, with the title Numismatic collection of the National Bank of Romania, Coin Hoards (II). Continuing the series of the project launched in 2014, the


Traces of human habitation were attested within the boundaries of the city of Alba Iulia, dating back to the Neolithic, proving Romania’s millennial history. The philatelic issue that Romfilatelia proposes to collectors is dedicated to the citadel city of Alba Iulia, the most important spiritual and cultural center of Transylvania. On the stamp with the


In a moment of destiny, a huge flame erupted from the darkness of nothingness, spreading suffering and death. The last notes of an engaging song, which floated over the scene and optimistic figures, faded into a furnace of fire where helpless beings were trying to find the road towards life. In the cool beyond the

Intelligent dogs

CANIS SEMPER FIDELIS Many consider dogs as man’s best friend and certainly the unique relationship we have with these animals deserves a special status. The origins of dogs and their miraculous transformation from wolf to dog are two subjects that have been studied with great interest by scientists. New archaeological data shows that our relationship

135 years of diplomatic relations Romania United States of America

On the occasion of 135 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, Romfilatelia introduces into the postal and philatelic circuit the postage stamp issue 135 years of diplomatic relations Romania – United States of America. Romania and the United States laid the groundwork of bilateral relations during a time when both


The Feast of Nativity, popularly called Christmas, is one of the major Christian feasts and is celebrated with great solemnity every year on December 25th. This celebration marks an important event in the history of Christianity, the birth of Jesus Christ from the Virgin Mary, in a cave in Bethlehem of Judea. According to the

ION TIRIAC, A Legendary Champion

    Sport is the body’s prayer. Romfilatelia honors the star of Romanian sport by creating the postage stamps issue Ion Tiriac, A Legendary Champion. Ion Tiriac, the tennis champion and one of the most important promoters of Romanian sport both in our country and abroad, debuted in the world of sports as an ice

Hunting on royal domains

Romfilatelia, continuing the ample project of promoting the hunting heritage and its artistic interpretation, introduces into circulation the postage stamp issue Hunting on royal domains. Since time immemorial, hunting constituted a means of survival for humans. The need for food, and defence from any animal attacks were the first instinctual forms of conservation. Hunting is
