
annual collections 2012

Europa 2012 – VISIT ROMANIA

In early 19th century, inEurope, international tourism was born. The rich British who, before getting married, were in the habit of going on a trip on the continent for recreation and wishing to visit other countries, generalized the first manifestations of an organized tourism due to the frequency of these trips. Therefore, Europe has become […]


Located in a strategic place from where one could control the largest part of Banat Plain,Timisoarathrived especially during the reign of Charles Robert of Anjou(1308-1342). Between 1316 and 1323, in the context of political turmoil from the Hungarian Kingdom, Charles Robert ofAnjoumoved the capital city toTimisoara, on which occasion they decided the construction of the


On the occasion of Easter holidays, Romfilatelia introduces into circulation the postage stamps issue HOLY EASTER 2012. The Resurrection of our Lord, this miracle that has been in the Christian mind for two millennia, has always made people become better to be able to properly receive the Light of Christ´s Resurrection. The postage stamp of

PRESSING IRONS (I) – Romanian collections

For a new postage stamps issue in 2012, Romfilatelia has chosen an original theme, more precisely, Pressing irons. The postage stamps issue Pressing irons – Romanian collections will be composed of two parts, the second part will be introduced into circulation this autumn. Used to press fabrics, the pressing iron, as any other tool, has


The banknote is a familiar mean of payment in the form of a printed piece of paper issued by a bank. Since 19th century, the banknotes have been printed on thin, multilayer handling-resistant paper, bearing a watermarked image as a mean of protection against counterfeiting. After 1980, many countries adopted polymer (polypropylene) banknotes. In 2008,


One century and a half ago,Bucharestbecame the capital of our country.   On the occasion of this anniversary, Romfilatelia introduces into circulation the postage stamps issue “150 Years – Bucharest, Capital of Romania”.   “Bucharest has been for centuries destined to be the capital of Romania. Then, being close to the main artery of trade,


Born in 1852, as the descendent of an actors’ family, Caragiale was an excellent pamphleteer, short-story writer and journalist. During his life he collaborated with a great number of magazines and newspapers. In 1889, he set up “Moftul român” humoristic magazine. He was the director of the National Theatre of Bucharest between 1888 and 1889.

FLORA OF ROMANIA (II) – “Fauna flowers”

The postage stamps issue “Flora of Romania II” completes the project achieved by Romfilatelia on an innovative illustrative thematic. The originality of this project consists in joining the image of the flower with the one of the being, from whose appearance the plant receives its popular name.   The Alpine Forget-me-not (Eritrichium nanum (L.) Schrad.

FLORA OF ROMANIA (I) – “Fauna flowers”

Flora, a subject highly appreciated by the philately lovers, is approached by Romfilatelia in the postage stamps issue Flora of Romania (I), released in a new illustrative manner, joining the image of the flower and the name of the beings from which their popular name derives. The Common Lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis L. – Boraginaceae family)
