

“Upstream on the Argeș, From Master Manole to Urmuz” – is the title of the philatelic album presented today in Curtea de Argeș, the birthplace of the man who was to anticipate, through his work, surrealism and all the avant-garde movements of the 20th century, Urmuz, whose real name was Demetru Dem. Demetrescu – Buzău.

Together with the Minister of Culture, Lucian Romașcanu, the President of the Argeș County Council, Ion Mînzînă, Acad. Ion Pop, a veteran of the academicians, from Babeș – Bolyai University, in front of a large audience, were launched the philatelic products dedicated to the Argeș native celebrated on the 140th anniversary of his birth: two postage stamps on which is depicted the image of the same character, Urmuz, seen by two engravers – one from Taiwan and the other from Cuba, while the First Day Cover bears the stamp of Curtea de Argeș.

Passionate about literature, Minister of Culture Lucian Romașcanu reiterated that Urmuz must “reach the classrooms. What’s more, Urmuz is no longer alone, it’s also becoming a postmark. I think it is amazing Up there, at what level the Romanian writer who laid the foundations of the avant-garde literary movement is honoured”, he added.

Cristina Popescu, CEO Romfilatelia, told the entire gathering: “We are happy to be here today, in a place that breathes history through all its pores. It’s enough to think that somewhere, close to us, is the Câmpulung of the first “descălecat” (literally: dismounting), about which historians speak with reverence, recalling Negru Vodă (the Black Voivode), founder of the Romanian country, according to legend. Urmuz is another legend.

Bohemian, rebellious, bizarre, as Sașa Pană deciphered him as early as 1930 by collecting his work, so modestly and insecurely entitled ”Weird Pages” (”Pagini bizarre”), Demetru Dem. Demetrescu – Buzău was to take revenge for his short life only posthumously, when he gained the recognition of the whole world”.

The host of the event, Mr. Academician Gheorghe Păun, an admirer of Urmuz and subjugated by all that is valuable, originally from Argeș, with great dedication and patience sustained and supported the philatelic project with photos and documentary material. Romfilatelia brings him a warm word of thanks and also thanks the President of the Argeș County Council for his interest in the Romanian postage stamp and its promotion.

We add our congratulations to the organizers who provided a warm atmosphere and the invitation to preserve our culture, history, tradition and memory of this land!

#CurteadeArgeșCityHall #ArgeșCountyCouncil #Urmuz

#MinistryofCulture #RomanianAcademy #Rador #Agerpres #RadioRomânia
