
Romfilatelia joins World Trade Center Bucharest on its anniversary

Bucharest, May 16th, 2024

Present and active in Romania for 30 years, World Trade Center Bucharest has been and is a constant supporter of the efforts of the business community and local authorities to become dynamic players in international trade, attract foreign investment and stimulate economic growth.

Romfilatelia was invited to the Gala Dinner, the anniversary event being marked by the launch of a special philatelic product dedicated to this impressive complex, to which the WTC management, partners, collaborators, friends were present or sent video messages, the evening being completed by speeches of the invited officials alternated with musical moments performed by violinist Iuliana Ghiduc.

On a global level, World Trade Center Bucharest enjoys trust and a good reputation among its partners for professionalism and seriousness, having also a representative function and becoming a true “ambassador” of Romania in the international economic context, together with a sound name in the field, ACCOR, the internationally recognized brand for quality services in the art of hospitality that has been managing the luxury Sofitel Hotel – for a period – and Pullman WTC – currently – for over 30 years.

Romfilatelia thanks the organizers for their invitation and cooperation, along with the wish “Happy Anniversary!”

Thanks, Lucian Tudose for the photo!!!!
