
Romfilatelia invited to the International Symposium ‘The Monument – Tradition and Future’

Iași, October 4th, 2024

The unique national event, hosted at the Braunstein Palace, was dedicated to the research, conservation, and restoration of monuments.

The presence of Romfilatelia at this event was considered important by the ‘Regina Maria’ Municipal Museum of Iași, considering the postage stamp issues dedicated to historical monuments and their founders, highlighting the role that the postage stamp plays in preserving and promoting national and universal values.

In her presentation, ‘The Postage Stamp, a Contribution to Remembrance’, Cristina Popescu praised the symposium’s works, highlighting that historical monuments represent original concepts and individual aspirations. She stated that they stand as the most visible witnesses, through the centuries, of the culture and evolution of a people.

Moldavia and Iași, city of the Great Union, national pride in promoting values, host of the event, were reflected in postage stamp issues with themes of high-value architectural monuments such as the Palaces of Iași, the Church of the Three Hierarchs, the National Theatre, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University and other architectural objectives as well as personalities.

The Mayor of Iași, Mihai Chirica, awarded Romfilatelia the ‘Act of Gratitude’ Diploma for its contribution to promoting the cultural and historical values of Iași.

Representatives from the local administration, the National Archives of Romania, members of the academic community of Iași, BCU Iași, students, and renowned architects were present at the event.

Congratulations to the organisers for the event!

#ReginaMariaMunicipalMuseum #CityofIași #MonumentTraditionandFuture #TVRIași #RadioIași #postagestamp #architecture #philately #passion #collections #passion

