Romfilatelia welcomed a group of children from the preparatory class of the National Theoretical High-School in Bucharest, who participated in their first lesson about postage stamps. The event was part of the series of activities dedicated to the Romanian Postage Stamp Day, established by the Romanian Parliament through Law no. 62/2024.
Stamps always tell a story. Stamps take you on the most beautiful journeys, where you don’t need a visa or passport. They represent a whole universe of culture, education, and values. The children from the #NationalTheoreticalHighSchool, met the mascot #Marky, on the very #WorldPostDay, and representatives from #Romfilatelia introduced them to the #Stampstory, its journey from creation, printing, letter, to the mailbox. And when do the little ones enjoy the most? When they receive gifts! At the end of the meeting, all the children received presents.
The children thanked Marky for the welcome and promised to return to visit Romfilatelia.
#NationalTheoreticalHighSchool #SchoolForLife #PostDay #Stampstory #LTNStudents #MarkyMascot #Romfilatelia #WorldPostDay #UniversalPostalUnion #EducationThroughStamps #AWorldInAStamp #passion #Philately #Collections