
Romanian stamps, part of the “School, Another Way: To know more, to be better!”

As part of the program “SCHOOL, ANOTHER WAY: To know more, to be better!”, the children chose a trip to the world of stamps!

Monday, April 6th, 2015, a group of children in first grade from the Olga Gudynn International School of Bucharest paid a visit to the world of stamps (at the headquarters of Romfilatelia and the Stamp Factory).
Curious to know about the process of making a stamp, the children began their visit in the Stamp Factory. This day, eagerly anticipated, was a pleasant and interesting one, because they were able to see the full range of machinery used for printing postage stamps.

The machines that have captured the interest of the children were the printing press – Heidelberg machine and the punching machineries used for manufacturing stamps or  postal stationeries.

After finishing the Stamp Factory tour, the children continued their visit to the Romfilatelia headquarters, where they were greeted with surprises, gifts and much love. They watched a film about the route of stamps from graphical design to printing, finally reaching the collector card index or glued to mailing envelopes.

At the end of this memorable visit with an educational, fun-filled and joyful role, the children expressed their desire to return.

This visit gives us hope that philately can have a bright future and will be a hobby sought by small collectors, as far as regular schools will be involved in such programs and will guide children to philately, not just as a passion, but as an educational activity with a profound role.

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