

ROMANIA_125_ani_UIP_emisiuneIn the political and social context of the late 19th century, the need to create a forum of national parliaments, which would advocate for world peace, was identified.

Thus, two parliamentarians, William Randal Cremer (United Kingdom) and Frédéric Passy (France), supporters of peace, took the initiative of creating a worldwide inter-parliamentary forum.

At the meeting which took place in the summer of 1889, in Paris, the two were joined by 11 parliamentarians from Italy, Belgium, Spain, Denmark, Hungary, USA, Liberia, 55 from France and 28 from Great Britain. They decide that the meeting turn into a permanent institution, initially bearing the name of Inter-Parliamentary Conference, and later the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU).

For their initiative, but also for their work in supporting collaboration between parliamentarians and Parliaments of the world, Cremer and Passy have received a Nobel Peace Prize.

In 1921, the headquarters of the Inter-Parliamentary Union were settled in Geneva, Switzerland, after functioning in Berne, Brussels and Oslo.

Over time, the Union supported the establishment of a similar body, but at a governmental level, which is created under the name of the League of Nations and after the Second World War, the United Nations.

The Inter-Parliamentary Union is today a global organization that brings together 170 parliaments of the Member States and 11 associate members, acting in favor of peace and international cooperation.

The major objectives of the IPU materialize due to contacts, coordination and exchanges between parliaments by addressing issues of global concern such as international peace and security, human rights, youth involvement, gender equality, sustainable development by means of dialogue, cooperation and action at a parliamentary level.

The Romanian Parliament joined IPU in 1891, at the Third Inter Parliamentary Conference held in Rome.

The Romanian parliamentary delegation was headed at the time by Senator Vasile Alexandrescu Urechia, a founding member of the Romanian Academy.

It is worth mentioning that in 1931 the Romanian Parliament hosted, in Bucharest, the 27th Inter-Parliamentary Conference, where participants were greeted by Prime Minister Nicolae Iorga, and in 1995 it organized the 94th Inter-Parliamentary Conference.

Since the 84th Inter-Parliamentary Conference, held in Punta del Este, in Uruguay, in 1990, the Romanian Parliament resumed work through the Romanian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union. Romanian MPs were involved in the activities of the organization, initiating thematic meetings in Romania, and participating consistently in events organized by the IPU, contributing to the exchange of ideas, methods and best practices aimed at finding effective solutions to world issues.

In April this year, celebrating 125 years of presence of Romania in the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the two Houses of Parliament will organize in Bucharest, among other events, a solemn session to mark this event.

On this occasion, Romfilatelia introduces into circulation an anniversary stamp issue.

Romfilatelia thanks the Parliament of Romania for the documentary support granted in the creation of this pROMANIA_125_ani_UIP_caractostage stamp issue.
