
Press releases

Postage stamps support Romania at the European Football Championship France 2016

To all football lovers in Romania and national supporters, Romfilatelia dedicates its latest philatelic project representing an important sportive event, the European Football Championship France 2016. Romania’s participation to this noteworthy tournament is also marked from a philatelic point of view, through the postage stamp issue entitled suggestively Romania at the European Football Championship France […]

Childhood and its heroes celebrated by the Romanian postage stamps

“Childhood never disappears from us; it becomes a continuous spring from which all of life’s turns come forth.” (George Calinescu) June 1st marks one of the most loved holidays, cherished by both children and adults and celebrated all over the world in the first day of summer. International Children’s Day is a day of joy

Romania at the World Stamp Show New York 2016

The latest postage stamp issue is dedicated to a large-scale event in the field of philately, which aims to promote the originality of philatelic events worldwide, the educational and cultural value of philately and also to stimulate the international philatelic trade. This is the World Stamp Show New York 2016, which Romfilatelia marks by a

A century and a half since the foundation of the Romanian Royal Dinasty

2016 represents an anniversary year for the Romanian Royal Dynasty, thus marking events that have changed the course of Romania’s royal history, specifically one century since Romania’s entry into World War One, 95 years from the birth of His Majesty King Michael I, and also 20 years from the marriage of Her Royal Highness Margareta,

The postage stamp advocates for a green planet

Protecting the environment is one of the most burning issues of nowadays, a topic on the agenda of numerous world organizations and institutions, whose solution implies a worlwide collective effort.   Preserving the environment is imperative for a proper human life on Earth and the actions that prevent and eliminate clear signs of the planet’s

The history of astronomy taught through the Romanian postage stamp

The history of astronomy is the history of the science that studies celestial bodies, from simple observation to theories about the universe. Astronomy includes the study of planets and their satellites, comets, meteors, stars, black holes, galaxies and solar systems.   Halley’s Comet is the most famous of the periodic comets, and can be seen

The national stamp celebrates 125 years of Romania’s presence in the Inter-Parliamentary Union

Romfilatelia adds to the Romanian stamp heritage a new project registering an important anniversary for our country, namely 125 years of Romania’s presence in the Inter-Parliamentary Union, global organization acting in favor of peace and international cooperation. Initially bearing the name of Inter-Parliamentary Conference, and later the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), this worldwide forum was created

Romanian Academy, a century and a half of culture treasured on the national stamps

In its mission to represent Romania as an efficient and reliable ambassador, the stamp has encompessed in its small size topics which define our country, themes from culture, history, art, and have thus promoted Romanian values and symbols. In its latest project, Romfilatelia celebrates on the postage stamp a beautiful anniversary of the highest forum

Holy Easter on stamps and within your soul

Easter, the Christian holiday that calls on people to take the Holy Light, brings the unique joy of the Resurrection, but also rituals and religious traditions, among which the salute known even by the youngest ones: Christ is risen!, Truly He is risen!   Like every year, Romfilatelia announces the Holy Easter in advance and
