
Press releases

Philatelic Christmas – Postage stamps announcing the Birth of the Lord

Postage stamps start caroling early and announcing the Nativity of the Saviour Jesus Christ, reason for celebration and joy. This feast with a fixed date on the 25th of December, traditionally called Christmas, represents for Christians around the world, the moment of calm and glamor, hope and spiritual rebirth for all those who believe in

Postage stamps celebrate 25 years of activity of World Bank in Romania

A world free of poverty, improving the conditions of living and boosting shared prosperity for the poorest 40% of the population, this is the assumed mission of the World Bank Group (WBG), the leading international organization that provides financial and technical assistance to countries around the world. Romania’s partnership with the World Bank Group traces

Collection corkscrews on the stamps of the latest issue of Romfilatelia

Romfilatelia’s latest project brings to the public’s attention an interesting and original topic, corkscrews, presented through the passion of collecting, in a special graphic illustration. The hobby of collecting is special, and includes, among others things, emotion, enthusiasm, and especially consistency. The world’s largest collection of corkscrews covers these aspects, is located in Bucharest and

History, culture and traditions of Romanian stamps Discover Romania, Muntenia

South of the Carpathians, between Olt and Danube rivers, lies Greater Wallachia, a historical region of Romania, known also as Muntenia, which together with Oltenia (Lesser Wallachia), forms Wallachia. The birth of the Romanian province is believed to be the battle of Posada in 1330, when Wallachians, led by Prince Basarab I, were victorious against

The history of the Romanian aviation in the philatelic universe From Coanda to F-16

One of man’s most beautiful dreams has always been to fly. With a rich past in aeronautics, Romanians are renowned as being among the world’s pioneers in this field, as they have contributed greatly to the development of flight by means heavier than air. As 2016 is marked by several important anniversaries in aviation, Romfilatelia

The Romanian stamp celebrates a century of Anti-aircraft Artillery and Surface-to-Air Missiles Centenary

Marking 100 years since the establishment of the Romanian Artillery and Anti-aircraft Missiles branch, Romfilatelia brings a new philatelic issue to the public interested in stamps, celebrating this anniversary and also honouring anti-aircraft artillerymen’s tradition and heroism. Based on an interesting topic and being suggestively entitled The Anti-aircraft Artillery and Surface-to-Air Missiles Centenary, the anniversary

Flying enigmas on Romanian stamps – the Bats

Romfilatelia introduces into circulation a new postage stamp issue, dedicated to nocturnal, intricate and full of mystery creatures – Bats – inviting all those who appreciate these mammals to discover them on four thematic collection stamps. The only mammals naturally capable of true and sustained flight, the bats are associated in the Western culture to
