
Press releases

Series of exceptional issues: Weapon’s Ornaments

The history of human kind can be written in various manners. We can talk about human evolution in terms of how it was evolved the way of living, building, speaking, expanding and improving working tools, mundane objects or even fighting weapons. As from the natural interest of men for beauty, class, originality and creativity, Romfilatelia […]

Flowers National Symbol

Flora, one of the beloved and welcomed themes for those passionate by philately, is once again taken up this year by Romfilatelia within the postage stamp issue “Flowers, National Symbol”. This philatelic project gathers the symbol flower of several Danube states, together with their national flag. This philatelic issue comprises of four stamps and it

From Philately to Postcrossing

The need of communication is one of the most beautiful attributes of the human being. In history, the urge and pleasure of getting in contact with other people had different forms and means, with specific particularities, in time and space. The most recent philatelic issue, available from Friday, February 24th 2017, in our shops from

Romanian Philately Celebrates the Bicentenary of the National Brukenthal Museum

The only representative of the Transylvanian Saxon community who was awarded a major public office in the Austrian state led by Empress Maria Theresa (1717-1780) was the Baron Samuel von Brukenthal (1721 – 1803). A scholar and skilful diplomat, he had a successful carrier, at the Imperial Court in Vienna, being appointed as Governor of

From the Series of Philatelic Curiosities: Romanian Stamps and Intelligent Birds

“Where the peacock is missing, the crow is the most beautiful bird.” (Old Romanian proverb) There is the temptation to say that intelligence, in other words, the ability to understand and solve situations and problems based on previous experiences, is a specific human feature. Recent studies and experiments prove that several animals and birds dismantle

Commemorative stamp issue: 10 years of Romania’s EU entry

A united, peaceful and prosperous Europe was the ideal of the generations who witnessed the two World Wars. This vision was shared by also by some of the European leaders, who, aware of the harsh lessons of history, have created alliances, initially only for economic and political grounds. For that reason it was formed the

The beauty of rare flowers on stamps: wild orchids in Romani

Sophisticated and delicate, in graceful shapes and beautiful colours, orchids are most often associated with distant islands and tropical paradises. Few of us know that Romania is also the realm of these gorgeous flowers, bringing together about 70 different species of wild orchids. Hosted by our country’s hills and mountains, these orchids bloom from spring

Architectural jewel on the Romanian stamp: Palace of Culture in Iasi

The stamp begins its journey for 2017 in one of the most beautiful cities of Romania – Iasi – an important cultural and historical heritage, where nearly 159 years ago appeared the first Romanian postage stamp, the famous Bull’s Head. Thus, the first postage stamp issue of the year is dedicated to a true jewel

Romanian stamps bring you New Year customs and traditions

The culture of each nation is strongly influenced by its specific traditional customs. The beauty, originality and richness of our traditions are often a combination between farming reality and sacred forms. New Year customs bring another proof that Romanians are committed, faithful, optimistic and full of creativity. Holidays often gather expressions from bygone times which
