
Philatelic products


„I announce to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people: For today, in the city of David, a Savior has been born for you who is Messiah and Lord.“ (Luke’s Gospel, 2, 10–11) „I announce to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people: […]


“ATTENTION EVERYONE! YOU ARE LISTENING TO RADIO BUCHAREST! …” These were the first words broadcasted in Bucharest, on the evening of November 1st, 1928, at 9 PM sharp…”Radiophony… it is by far the most extensive and vivid national school”. (Dimitri Gusti) “ATTENTION EVERYONE! YOU ARE LISTENING TO RADIO BUCHAREST! …” These were the first words

THE ATOM IN THE SERVICE OF HUMANITY – Nuclearelectrica – 10 years of existence

„Peace cannot be kept by force; it only be achieved by understanding” – Albert Einstein During the 4th decade of the 20th century, the discoveries regarding the artificial radioactivity and the fission of the uranium atom gave a powerful incentive to the researches in the nuclear physics domain.„Peace cannot be kept by force; it only


Used as historical spring, heraldics are an important mean of putting theoretical principles into practice, interpreting and researching the evolution of a country’s coats of arms, of a domain, a city or a family. The denomination of heraldics derives from the Latin term used during the Middle Ages: heraldus = herald. Used as historical spring,

IASI – 600 years of documentary accreditation

Between 1400 and 1432, Alexander the Good was the ruler of Moldavia and, during his long reign, he managed to organize politically, administratively and ecclesiastically this Romanian province. During his entire reign, the Metropolitan seat of Moldavia was recognized by the Patriarchate of Constantinople. Between 1400 and 1432, Alexander the Good was the ruler of

500 years since the printing of the first book on the territory of Romania

2008 marks the anniversary of 500 years from the printing of Macarie’s Liturghier (Macarie’s Missal), occasion on which Romfilatelia will release the postage stamp issue „500 years since the printing of the first book on the territory of Romania“. 2008 marks the anniversary of 500 years from the printing of Macarie’s Liturghier (Macarie’s Missal), occasion

Castles of Romania

Occasioned by the organizing of the World Philatelic Exhibition – EFIRO 2008 – in Bucharest, Romfilatelia introduces into circulation the postage stamps issue „Castles of Romania“. Occasioned by the organizing of the World Philatelic Exhibition – EFIRO 2008 – in Bucharest, Romfilatelia introduces into circulation the postage stamps issue „Castles of Romania“. The philatelic issue

GOPO „7 ARTS“ – Grand Prix Tours (France) 1958

50 years ago, during the Film Festival in Tours (France), „7 Arts“, a cartoon movie made by Ion Popescu-Gopo, won the Grand Prix. 50 years ago, during the Film Festival in Tours (France), „7 Arts“, a cartoon movie made by Ion Popescu-Gopo, won the Grand Prix. For remembering this major event for the Romanian cinematography,
