
Annual Collections

The New Leu – 2005

The National Bank of Romania, founded in 1880, is the central bank of Romania. The National Bank is a public independent institution, with the headquarters in Bucharest. It is… Issue date: 2005-07-01


Originating from a British idea (founded in 1907 by Sir Robert Baden Powell), the scouting has developed largely in the XX century, spreading not only… Issue date: 2005-06-15


Romfilatelia, specialized company in issuing and trading Romanian postage stamps, is releasing the philatelic issue entitled the VITICULTURE. Issue date: 2005-05-27

Support for our Fellow Men

Spring of the year 2005. Western Romania was covered by waters. These are by far the largest floods in the past century. Dozens of villages and hamlets have been bearing for over a month the burden of waters, which, in certain areas, have exceeded 4-5 meters in height. Issue date: 2005-05-09

EUROPA 2005 Gastronomy

Romfilatelia, specialized company in issuing and trading Romanian postage stamps, is launching on the occasion of Europe´s Day a philatelic issue called EUROPA 2005 – Gastronomy. Issue date: 2005-05-09

Signing the Accession Treaty of Romania to the European Union on April 25, in Luxembourg

European Union is the result of cooperation and integration process started in 1951 by six European countries – Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and Holland. After five accession stages (1973 – Denmark, Ireland and Great Britain, 1981 – Greece, 1986 – Spain and Portugal, 1995 – Austria, Finland and Sweden, 2004 – Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia,

Personalities Anniversaries – Celebrations 2005 (II)

Romfilatelia, the specialized company in issuing and trading Romanian postage stamps, releases the second part of the philatelic issue dedicated to some important celebrities of the world. Romfilatelia, the specialized company in issuing and trading Romanian postage stamps, releases the second part of the philatelic issue dedicated to some important celebrities of the world. The


April, 2nd 2005, a day which will always be present in the Christians’ souls from the entire world as the turning up of a new Saint – John Paul the 2nd. He went to one’s last resting place, being taken by God, the Shepherd of billions of people. The Pope John Paul the 2nd wasn’t

The Holy Easter 2005

Romfilatelia, a society specialized in editing and trading Romanianpostage stamps, releases, on the occasion of the Easter Holidays, thephilatelic issue called “The Holy Easter”. The Holy Easter or the Resurrection of the Lord is the most importantreligious Holiday of the year, other holidays such as the Palm Sunday or theAscension being closely related to it.

Jules Verne Centenary, 1905 – 2005

Romfilatelia, a society specialized in editing and trading Romanian postage stamps, releases, on the occasion of 100 years since the great visionary Jules Verne passed away, a philatelic issue called “Jules Verne Centenary”. Issue date: 2005-03-29
