
Personalities Anniversaries – Celebrations 2005 (II)

timbrepersIIRomfilatelia, the specialized company in issuing and trading Romanian postage stamps, releases the second part of the philatelic issue dedicated to some important celebrities of the world.

Romfilatelia, the specialized company in issuing and trading Romanian postage stamps, releases the second part of the philatelic issue dedicated to some important celebrities of the world.
The notable people that we dedicate the five postage stamps are:
Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) Danish writer, famous for the universal literature dedicated to children. He approached all kind of literature genres: stories, fairytales, poems, novel, plays, itinerary books, their themes being addressed to children.
Albert Einstein (1879-1955) born in Germany, he emigrated in the USA, due to the Nazi occupation. Author of the Relativity Theory, the famous scientist was one of the moral authors of the first atomic bomb. After the Second World War, for ten years before his death, he was involved in the battle for the nuclear world disarmament.
Jules Verne (1828-1905) famous writer in anticipating the XIX Century passes for “the father” of Science-Fiction. Many of the technical realities of our days, like the submarine, the helicopter, the artificial isles or the spatial travels, were anticipated in his successful books.
Dimitrie Gusti (1880-1955) teacher of a world notoriousness, has established for the first time the sociological research combined with the practical social action and social pedagogy. He is one of the initiators of the “Village Museum”.
George Enescu (1881-1955) composer, violinist, piano-player, bandmaster and educator, has elevated the Romanian professional music to the level of the universal music values. Spiritual mentor for Yehudi Menuhin, George Enescu held concerts on all famous stages of the world, including each time his repertory, the famous Romanian Rhapsodies.

Issue date: 2005-04-18
