
Peace – the highest value of humanity

Romfilatelia, the only institution designated by the Romanian Government in issuing of the Romanian postage stamps, is happy to announce the winner of the designing contest that will represent Romania in the competition for the designation of the common stamp of the Europa 2023 issue with the theme: “Peace – the highest value of humanity”

The vote of the National Philatelic Commission is ranking first: Mihai Criste, with his creation Flower-Power, artist born in Deva, graduate of the Institute of Visual Arts “Ion Andreescu” in Cluj-Napoca, graphic specialization, illustrator with international exhibitions.

We congratulate him and wish him a lot of success in the PostEurop competition, in which he will represent Romania!

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Designer presentation text:

“In my design, I depicted the sunflower as a symbol of Flower Power, a symbol of symbol of peace representing the pacifist movement of the 60s as a protest against the war in Vietnam and the white dove as a symbol of peace. This time the yellow petals of the sunflower are personified as doves that peck at seeds inside the flower that turn into continents.”

Mihai Criste

