
NATO EVENTS – The NATO SUMMIT, Bucharest, April 2-4, 2008

NATO_2008_MAt the beginning of the month of April, Bucharest will host the greatest international event ever organized in Romania, namely the gathering of the 26 leaders of the NATO member states next to the 23 leaders representing countries that are part of the Partnership for Peace but also guests from Russia, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Afghanistan and Jordan. They will enjoy the presence of the UN General-Secretary, the president of the European Commission, and the President of the World Bank. Approximatively 3000 participants are expected to take part at the event together with 3500 journalists from all over the world. At the beginning of the month of April, Bucharest will host the greatest international event ever organized in Romania, namely the gathering of the 26 leaders of the NATO member states next to the 23 leaders representing countries that are part of the Partnership for Peace but also guests from Russia, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Afghanistan and Jordan. They will enjoy the presence of the UN General-Secretary, the president of the European Commission, and the President of the World Bank. Approximatively 3000 participants are expected to take part at the event together with 3500 journalists from all over the world.
Occasioned by the historical meeting in Bucharest, Romfilatelia introduces into circulation the postage stamps issue NATO EVENTS – The NATO SUMMIT, Bucharest, April 2-4, 2008.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (abbreviated NATO in English or OTAN in French) is a political military alliance set up in 1949 by 12 countries (the United States of America, Canada, Great Britain, France, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Denmark, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Island). Greece and Turkey joined the Alliance in 1952.
West Germany adhered in 1955 however, after unification with East Germany in 1990, Germany’s participation was extended to cover the regions of the ex – GDR.
After the accession of Spain in 1982, the Alliance extended in 1999 to welcome member states of the Warsaw Convention (Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic).
In 2004, after 45 years since the establishment of the NATO, the Alliance opened its arms to welcome Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Bulgaria.
In 1966, France withdrew from the integrated NATO military command but rejoined in 1992. Island is the only NATO member state that does not have its own military force but joined the alliance on condition of nonparticipation to military conflicts.
The most important excerpt of the treaty is Article V, providing that: “The parties convene that any military offence against one or more of the participating countries, in Europe or North America, will be considered offence against all participating countries and they accordingly agree that, in case such an offence might occur, in a pursuit to enforce either individual or collective self-defense endorsed through Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, they will provide military support for the assailed Party/Parties through immediate action, either individual or mutual agreements with the other Parties, engagement in any actions considered dully necessary, including resort to usage of armed forces in order to restore and maintain security in the North Atlantic Region”.

Issue date: 2008-04-02

