

To pay tribute to a landmark educational institution for Romanian sports, Romfilatelia introduces into circulation on Friday, June 16, 2023, the postage stamps issue National University of Physical Education and Sports of Bucharest, 100 years, consisting of a stamp and a perforated souvenir sheet.

On the stamp of the issue with the face value of Lei 2.90, are depicted graphic elements that reproduce the monumental gate of the University, the laurels of the victors and the flame that symbolizes knowledge.

In the graphic composition of the perforated souvenir sheet having the stamp with the face value of Lei 34, the bust of King Ferdinand I, the signatory of the Law on Physical Education, is illustrated, alongside a facsimile of the text of the Law. The UNEFS anniversary logo is reproduced in the perforation of the stamp of the souvenir sheet.

On the image of the First Day Cover of the issue, the portrait of General Prof. Virgil Bădulescu, First Director of the National Institute of Physical Education (INEF) is reproduced, and the stamp is associated with the upper part of the envelope, images of UNEFS locations – ONEF-Beach, Cabin in Parâng, winter and the silhouette of a runner on a sine wave background, rendering the dynamics.

100 years ago, the Law for Physical Education, promulgated on June 15th, 1923 and published in the Official Gazette no. 59, dated June 17th, 1923, mentioned the establishment of the National Institute of Physical Education as the first form of organization and name of the current university. King Ferdinand I signed the law which consecrated this university, demonstrating an innovative spirit adapted to the times, eager to support national affirmation in all social fields.

Excellence and human performance accompany the 100 years of history, during which the prestige of our university has merged with that of academic staff and researchers with outstanding results, who have achieved national and international fame. Each historical era has been marked by professionals who have passionately served the field of Sports and Physical Education Science.

Scientific innovations have been making their mark since the 1950s. It should be mentioned the first instrument that allows recording the phases of sports games (prof. Mihai Epuran), a revolutionary prototype of the modern javelin (prof. Nicolae Titus Tatu), the integration of medical knowledge in sports training (dr. Mircea Georgescu), the presence at the management of the Society of Sports Medicine from Romania by Doctor Andrei Demeter.

Certainly, the great personalities of the academic teaching staff have contributed to the value of the university’s graduates. The 100 years of activity have also meant dozens of generations that have carried the reputation of an institution of education and culture, which today continues to assert itself in the context of Romanian university education.

For people and facts, as a sign of gratitude and appreciation of human value, in the Centenary Year, for hundreds of years to come, generations of teaching staff, students and graduates will remain faithful to the mission of the university.

Happy Anniversary!
Vivat, crescat, floreat!

Romfilatelia thanks the representatives of the National University of Physical Education and Sports of Bucharest for the documentary and photographic support granted to the creation of this issue of postage stamps.
