
National Culture Day celebrated by the Romanian postage stamp

Bucharest, January 15th, 2024

The Day of National Culture was celebrated today during the joint festive session organized by the Romanian Academy and the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.

Romfilatelia has joined, as an institutional partner of the Romanian Academy, the event occasioned by the launch of the postage stamp issue entitled “National Culture Day. A friendship for eternity”.
Mihai Eminescu and Ion Creangă are the protagonists of the most beautiful friendship in Romanian literature, lived by two personalities who remain in the Romanian cultural treasury.

Opening addresses were given by Acad. Ioan-Aurel Pop, President of the Romanian Academy and Acad. Ion Tighineanu, President of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.

Greetings were presented as follows: H.E. Klaus Iohannis, President of Romania – addressed by Sergiu Nistor, Presidential Advisor, His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church – addressed by His Eminence Varlaam of Ploiești, Patriarchal Bishop-Vicar, Raluca Turcan, Minister of Culture, Ligia Deca, Minister of Education – addressed by Gigel Paraschiv, State Secretary, Acad. Mircea Martin, Romanian Academy, Acad. Mihai Cimpoi, Academy of Sciences of Moldova.

The postage stamp, as a state symbol and an element of national identity, will continue its mission of promoting national cultural values.

Happy anniversary, Romanian culture!!!❤⭐
