

Romfilatelia introduces into circulation on Thursday, November 17th this year, the postage stamps issue entitled “Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy, 150 years, dedicated to an iconic institution of Romania, on its one and a half century anniversary.

The Romanian naval education came into being on November 17th, 1872, in Galați, with the foundation of a special school for non-commissioned officers and officers of the flotilla corps “Școala Flotilei”, predecessor of the “Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy. From the evolutionary process of the institutional framework, we emphasize:

– On the basis of High Royal Decree 39 of February 26, 1896, the School of Application of Marine Sublieutenants, which operated in Galati until 1901, it was moved to Constanța, next to the Major Division.

– Since 1954, the Higher Military Navy School has been classified as an institute of higher education.

– Since January 1st, 1969, it has been transformed into the “Mircea cel Bătrân” School for Active Navy Officers.

– According to the Decree of the Council of State No. 502 of August 29th, 1973, it merged with the Civil Navy Institute, the new institution having the name of “Mircea cel Bătrân” Navy Institute.

– After the Revolution of December 1989, the Institute was reorganized and transformed into the “Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy.

The flagship institution of Romanian naval education, the Academy provides training and continuous improvement of military and civilian specialists in the maritime field, to meet the specific needs of the Romanian Naval Forces or other beneficiaries of the national defence system, public order and national security, but also the socio-economic environment, at regional and international level.

Under the coordination of the Ministry of National Defence, it is a member of the most important international military and civilian associations in the field of naval education and has over 30 partnerships with similar institutions abroad.

The current structure comprises: the Faculty of Marine Engineering, which includes three departments and the School of Postgraduate Studies; the Faculty of Navigation and Naval Management, with two departments; the Interdisciplinary Maritime Research Centre; and the structure of courses for continuous training of human resources. The educational portfolio includes six Bachelor’s degree programmes and six full-time Master’s degree programmes in three fields of study. Starting with the academic year 2022 – 2023, the educational offer includes a Bachelor of Military Studies programme taught in English.

Within the Academy’s composition is the 306th Division Training Ship School and Military Action Support, deployed in the military port of Constanta, which includes the training ship “Mircea”.

The issue consists of two postage stamps and a First Day Cover.

On the postage stamp of the issue with a face value of Lei 10 the building of the Naval Academy, is depicted in a stylized manner, and on the second postage stamp, with a face value of Lei 10.50 and on the First Day Cover, the Training-ship “Mircea” is depicted in the same manner.

Training-ship “Mircea” is a sailing – ship, A-class, bark type, with three masts, 44 metres high, with 23 mainsails that sum up a total sail surface of 1750 square meters.

The birth certificate of the new training ship was signed on January 26th, 1938, and on September 22nd, the same year, it was launched and named MIRCEA, a choice justified by the rich tradition and fame of the ruler of the Ţara Românească (Wallachia, lit. “The Romanian Land” or “The Romanian Country”) (1386-1418), Mircea cel Bătrân, “Ruler up to the Great Sea”. The ship has at the bow, under the bowsprit a galleon, representing the leader dressed up in a blue shirt, a red cloak and wearing his crown, symbol of his reign.

Romfilatelia thanks the representatives of the Mircea cel Bătrân Naval Academy, for documentary and photographic support provided to the development of this postage stamps issue.
