
Mihai Eminescu 135 years

Chișinău, June 7th, 2024

To mark the commemoration of 135 years since the death of the greatest Romanian poet, Mihai Eminescu, Romfilatelia has produced the honorary album “Eminescu 135”, designed to present to readers a first part of the famous poem “Epigonii” (Epigonies), not with the pretense of a commentary on the creation but with a specific objective: That of presenting the “soul poets of the Morning Star” with brief biographies and reasoning the motivation that inspired Eminescu to use the metaphors that characterize with romanticism and lyricism each of the 18 poets mentioned in the first 11 verses of the poem “Epigonii” (Epigonies), postage stamps issued between 1960-2023.

The facsimile of the manuscript with the first 5 strophes of the poem “Epigonii” (Epigonies) and a philatelic collector’s card with two postage stamps and the signature of the “unequalled poet” printed in gold foil give the album a special value, a tribute to the creation and personality of Mihai Eminescu.

The Mihai Eminescu homage panel is conceived as a graphic ensemble in which there are images of the memorial house, of a statuary portrait of the poet, watched over by the symbolic light of the Luceafărul (The Morning Star), and next to them there are images of the postage stamps issued from 1939 to the current year.

With an intense program, supported by institutional partners, friends, collaborators, eager to listen and share thoughts about Mihai Eminescu, we enjoyed the meeting with Ion Tighineanu, President of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova.

Postage stamps often provide us with fragments of our heritage and put us in touch with familiar or forgotten faces that will live on!

Philately turns out to be a celebration, an adventure, an opening to others, an invitation to travel, to learn, to remember, to debate and to dream!

Dreaming of a better world, closer to the ideals of unity through history and culture with our partners from the Republic of Moldova!

Our thanks to the Department for Relations with the Republic of Moldova, the National Museum of Romanian Literature in Bucharest and Chișinău, the State University of Moldova, the Romanian Academy Library, the City Hall of Dumbrăveni Town.
