On Monday, December 19th, 2022, Romfilatelia received the visit of the distinguished members of the National Philatelic Commission, an occasion to evoke the projects and activities marked by Romanian philately and carried out together in the year which is ending.
As host, Romfilatelia thanked all the guests for their support in creating this year’s issues of highly graphic postage stamps, appreciated by both collectors and the general public, proof of this recognition being the Gold Medal that our institution received in Cape Town, South Africa, at the World Stamp Exhibition held from the 8th to the 12th of November 2022. The medal was awarded by the international jury appointed by the Universal Postal Union (UPU) for the Romanian posatge stamps grouped under the title Personalities of the Universal Human Treasure.
The Commission discussed again this time the plan of postage stamps that Romfilatelia has proposed for the year 2023, an ambitious plan, with the desire to highlight anniversaries and philatelic events that will take place in the coming period, the postage stamp, symbol of the country, instrument of state sovereignty and public diplomacy, continuing the mission of promoting national and universal values.
On this occasion, the guests signed the Christmas 2022 philatelic panel illustrated with the postal stamps dedicated to this holiday, which received the appreciation of collectors from home and abroad.
The Romfilatelia team wishes the friends of the Romanian postage stamp „Happy Holidays!”, with the hope to continue the beautiful journey in the philatelic universe.