
Latest issues

George Emil Palade Nobel Prize. 50 Years

Pentru a marca semicentenarul Premiului Nobel obținut de geniul biologiei celulare, Romfilatelia a inclus în Planul editorial al anului 2024 emisiunea de mărci poștale George Emil Palade, Premiul Nobel. 50 de ani. Emisiunea, alcătuită din 1 timbru, 1 coliță dantelată și 1 plic „prima zi”, va intra în circulație marți, 19 noiembrie, data aniversării savantului […]

Homochromy and Mimicry

Romfilatelia introduces into on Tuesday, November 12th, this year, an interesting and original postage stamps issue with a subject that defines a fauna area: Homochromy and Mimicry. Homochromy is the phenomenon by which a species camouflages itself by having a colour, either permanent or temporary, that blends with its environment. Permanent or variable homochromatic colouring,

Historical Anniversaries

Romfilatelia introduces into circulation on Friday, November 8th this year the “Historical Anniversaries” postage stamps issue, dedicated to events featuring a outstanding personality of history, Michael the Brave (Romanian: Mihai Viteazul), the ruler of the first Unification. The events took place in Transylvania and Bucharest. The anniversaries, celebrated, through issue, are: 425 years since Michael


Romfilatelia, introduces into circulation, on Thursday, October 24th this year a cultural anniversary issue entitled “Metropolitan Dosoftei. 400 years since birth”, composed of a postage stamp, a perforated souvenir sheet and a First Day Cover. The great theologian and scholar who brought the Romanian language to the Holy Altar, Metropolitan Dosoftei, was born in the

C.I. Parhon, 150 Years since his Birth

Romfilatelia introduces into circulation on Tuesday, October 15th, this year, the anniversary issue entitled C. I. Parhon, 150 years since his birth. The postage stamp of the issue with the face value of Lei 13 reproduces a portrait image of the scientist in a work atmosphere of a research laboratory in the field of medicine,

150 years ,Universal Postal Union

On the occasion of the anniversary of the specialized agency of the United Nations, the Universal Postal Union, Romfilatelia introduces into circulation on Wednesday, October 9th, this year, the issue entitled 150 years, Universal Postal Union, composed of two postage stamps, a perforated souvenir sheet, a First Day Cover and a philatelic folder with special


Romfilatelia introduces into circulation on Wednesday, October 2nd, this year, a postage stamps issue entitled Chrysanthemums. Composed of 4 postage stamps with face values of Lei 2, Lei 6, Lei 10 and Lei 25, a First Day Cover, a philatelic folder with special product in a limited edition and a set of 4 maxicards for


A postage stamp issue themed around Fauna will be released by Romfilatelia on Friday, September 20th this year, under the generic title Corals. The components of the issue include 4 postage stamps, a First Day Cover, and 4 maxicards for the pasionates of maximaphily. Corals belong to the family of marine invertebrates in the class


In order to honour the performances of Romanian athletes at this year’s Paralympic Games, Romfilatelia introduces into circulation on Thursday, September 19th, 2024, the postage stamps issue entitled Paralympic Medals, Paris 2024. The two postage stamps of the issue are dedicated to the Paralympic athletes Camelia Ciripan (face value of Lei 6), who won the

Romanian Court of Accounts, 160 years

Romfilatelia introduces into circulation, on Wednesday, September 18th this year, an issue of postage stamps to mark the 160th anniversary of the establishment of a leading institution for a modern democratic state, Romanian Court of Accounts. The two postage stamps and the First Day Cover of the issue Romanian Court of Accounts, 160 years, depict
