
Joint stamp issue ROMANIA – THAILAND 45 years of diplomatic relations

Continuing the series of postage stamp issues dedicated to diplomatic relations, on the anniversary of the bilateral relations between Romania and the Kingdom of Thailand, settled on the 1st of June 1973, Romfilatelia introduces into circulation the joint stamp issue Romania-Thailand, 45 years of diplomatic relations, with the topic Traditional Folk Costumes.

The new issue will be available on Thursday, May 31th, 2018,  in Romfilatelia’ own shops network in Bucharest, Bacau, Brașov, Cluj-Napoca, Iași and Timișoara and online on

The Romanian stamp, with the face value of Lei 1.50, illustrates the folk costumes of Oltenia region, specific to Romanati area, from the end of the 19th century. The traditional folk costume of Phutai ethnic group, from the northeast of the country, is reproduced on the stamp issued by the Thailand Postal Administration.

The traditional costume, illustrated on the stamps of the issue, represents, for each people, an integral part of the local history and civilization, a living testimony that has passed to the generations, over the centuries, the message of the authentic artistic creation.

Romanati costume falls in the typology of Oltenian traditional costume, remarked by compositions and decorative motifs that refer to the ornamental repertoire of the Neolithic ceramics of Vadastra – the spirals on the sheepskin coats – and to the pomposity of the gold thread fabrics, from the embroidery of the women’s chemise.

Women’s garment consists of a wavy at the collar chemise, with a decoration on the sleeve in tripartite system (“altita” – wide embroidery, wrinkles, rivers) on the chest, back and legs. The refinement of the chemise is given by the chromatic relationship between the cherry and the silver metallic thread. The tissue apron is associated with the folded up “valnic”. The garment also contains wool socks and bovine leather sandals.

The men’s costume consists of a summer straw hat, an embroidered shirt adorned with “coltisori”, trousers, socks and sandals. The loom woven belt and the doublet decorated with rosettes on the entire surface, in vivid colors, complete the costume.

The traditional folk costume of Phutai ethnic group, in north-eastern Thailand, Sakon Nakhon Province, is specific to the countryside. The man wears a long cloth and a cotton, long-sleeved, navy-colored shirt, edged with red embroidery and a belt, in harmony with the costume of his partner.  The woman wears a cotton, navy blue skirt, decorated with woven embroidery, and a simple, long-sleeved shirt of the same color. The costume is completed by a red embroidered scarf, worn on shoulders and silver jewellery necklace, bracelets and earrings.

The postage stamp issue is completed by a First Day Cover, as page composition there were used a sheet of 32 stamps and a minisheet of 8 stamps with illustrated border (4 sets).

For further information, please contact the Public Relation Office:

Tel: 021 / 337 24 42
