‘Palade was to cellular biology what Einstein was to physics’. – Günter Blobel
Bucharest, December 5th, 2024
Today, the Aula Magna Hall of the Romanian Academy hosted the Tribute Session ‘George E. Palade – 50 Years since the Nobel Prize Award. Tradition and Continuity’, organized by the Romanian Academy, the Biological Sciences Section, and the ‘Nicolae Simionescu’ Institute of Cellular Biology and Pathology.
The following speakers delivered speeches, recalling the remarkable activity of the Romanian-born scientist, Nobel Prize winner in Medicine or Physiology: Acad. Ioan-Aurel Pop, President of the Romanian Academy; Acad. Maya Simionescu, President of the Biological Sciences Section and moderator of the event; Prof. Ștefan Constantinescu, Honorary Member of the Romanian Academy; Acad. Octavian Popescu; Acad. Ileana Mânduțeanu; Prof. Alexandru Babeș, Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy; and Prof. Dragoș Vinereanu, Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy.
Romfilatelia, as an institutional partner, was invited to launch the postage stamp issue ‘George Emil Palade – Nobel Prize – 50 Years’.
Cristina Popescu, the General Manager of Romfilatelia, presented the elements of the display dedicated to the event, showcasing all components of this year’s anniversary postage stamp issue, along with three photographic sequences featuring the great scientist in the roles of professor, researcher in his laboratory, and an esteemed presence at the headquarters of the library of the Nicolae Simionescu Institute of Biology and Cellular Pathology in Bucharest, in 1992.
Representatives from the medical field, the academic environment, and scientists were present to pay tribute to the ‘father of modern cellular biology’.
Romfilatelia thanks Mrs. Acad. Maya Simionescu, Manager of the ‘Nicolae Simionescu’ Institute of Biology and Cellular Pathology, and Mr. Ioan Aurel Pop, President of the Romanian Academy, for the invitation and the organisation of the tribute event.
#GeorgeEmilPalade #RomanianScientist #FiftiethAnniversaryofRomanianNobelPrize #RomanianAcademy #NicolaeSimionescuInstituteofBiologyandCellularPathology #Romfilatelia #scienceonstamps #medicine #passion #collections