

PrintIt has already become a tradition that every year, Romfilatelia introduces into circulation the postage stamps issue Easter 2010, occasioned by the celebration of Our Lord´s Resurrection. It has already become a tradition that every year, Romfilatelia introduces into circulation the postage stamps issue Easter 2010, occasioned by the celebration of Our Lord´s Resurrection.

We are happy that the entire Christian world will celebrate Easter this year on the same Sunday, April 4th.

The Lord´s Resurrection, this miracle accompanying the Christian belief for millennia, makes us be better so as to properly receive in our soul the Christ´s Resurrection Light.

The Judgment, the Walk to Golgotha, the Crucifixion and the Resurrection are moments of everyone´s life, who honour our Savior Jesus Christ in a proper way.

The Holy Easter, the most important Christian Holiday, gathers in a magnificent emotion the entire spirituality and divine meanings of all the Holidays during the year.

It was called Easter (Pasti) after the name of the Jewish holiday Pesah, meaning passage. For Jews, Easter means the passage from the Egyptian slavery to the liberty promised by God. The existential passage of people from slavery to freedom prefigured the way out of all mankind from the dead slavery of Moses times through our Lord´s Jesus Christ Sacrifice.

Lord´s Resurrection is also a great passage, not only a passage from one mood to another, but a passage from death to life.

“Christ has risen from the dead,
Trampling down death by death,
And on those in the tombs
Bestowing life!”

Maybe life would not have had power if the Resurrection had not existed, if there had not been permanent hope and faith in Ressurection and the endless joy of another life, eternal one!

Pain, suffering, joy, victory, Cross and Resurrection, are all lived again more intensely, every year on Holy Easter, when the God´s light comes down upon us for a moment, guiding the existence of this passing life, on the way to Eternity!

On the postage stamp of the issue is illustrated a detail from a wooden icon (20th century) with “God´s Resurrection” , whose image was put at our disposal by the Romanian Patriarchy.

Christ Has Risen!

Romfilatelia Team

We warmly thank to His Holiness Father Daniel, the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church and to the Cultural Department of the Bucharest Archbishopry, for the support in accomplishing this philatelic issue.

Issue date: 2010-03-12

