

“When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. After coming into the house they saw the Child with Mary, His mother; and they fell to the ground and worshiped Him. Then, opening their treasures, they presented to Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh”.

(Matthew 2: 10-11)

Christmas, one of the Twelve Great Feasts, represents an occasion of great joy for Christians around the world that, on the 25th of December, celebrate the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

As it does every year, Romfilatelia celebrates the Christmas Day by introducing into circulation the postage stamp issue entitled “Christmas 2017”, consisting of two stamps, both with face value of Lei 1,30, that illustrate two icons representative for this Christian feast, from the collection of the Church “Saint Elefterie”– the New.

The Holy Gospels narrate the mystery of the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. More than two thousand years ago, the Blessed Virgin Mary, by the power of the Holy Spirit, gave birth in a stable from Bethlehem of Judea to Child Jesus, the Son of God, sent to Earth to save the humanity.

The birth of our Lord Jesus Christ is the feast of the divine love that we learn according to the example given to us by God, and the days of Christmas are an occasion of great joy, being by tradition, a celebration of family, indulgence, kindness, forgiveness and reconciliation.

The Church “Saint Elefterie” – the New, dedicated to the holy hierarch of Illyricum, celebrated every December 15th, is located in one of the central areas of the Capital, Bucharest. With a remarkable architecture and recently restored painting, the Church shelters a valuable collection of icons.

The stamp that illustrates the Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ depicts the Holy Family – the Blessed Mother of God, Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph – receiving the shepherds arrived to worship the Child Jesus Christ. Within the icon, there are represented the elements mentioned in the Gospel of Luke – the stable, the shepherds, but also the star that illuminates and watches over the blissful moment, mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew.

Another valuable icon, wood picture, from the patrimony of the Church “Saint Elefterie”– the New is the Mother of God with the Child, an imperial icon, a symbol of Christianity and an emblem of universal maternity. The Virgin Mary, especially honored by the Christians, is a model of humbleness, dedication and obedience in relation to God.

Near upon the Holy Day of our Savior Jesus Christ’ Nativity, the Romfilatelia team wishes you Happy Christmas! and Peaceful holidays together with all your beloved ones!

 Romfilatelia thanks His Beatitude Daniel, the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, the parish priest of the Church of “Saint Elefterie” – the New, Ph.D. Valer Ulican and representatives of the “Lumina” newspaper for the documentary and photographic support granted in the creation of this postage stamp issue.
