

BUC550_M    On September 20th 1459, in an old document of Vlad Tepes was mentioned for the first time the existence of the setting of Bucharest, and the oldest document which certifies “the capital of Bucharest” dates from October 14th 1465 and belongs to Radu cel Frumos.    On September 20th 1459, in an old document of Vlad Tepes was mentioned for the first time the existence of the setting of Bucharest, and the oldest document which certifies “the capital of Bucharest” dates from October 14th 1465 and belongs to Radu cel Frumos.
The subsequent evolution of the setting was due to the establishment of the lordly residence in Bucharest (1659). Even since the 15th century, together with the doubling of the city surface, there appeared craftsmen districts in the area of “Sf. Gheorghe”, “Piata Unirii”, “Coltea” and the “Ulitei Mari”, the today Lipscani Street.
In 1830 the “City Council” is founded and the city is divided in five areas (sectors), then in 1846 the City Hall elaborated the first Cadastre Plan of the locality.
Since 1862, after becoming the capital of the young Romanian state, the city enters a new stage of its development. After December 1st 1918, when the Ardeal had united with Romania, the city becomes the capital of the Great Romania.
The postage stamps issue dedicated to the celebration of 550 years of documentary accreditation of the city of Bucharest  wishes to present only a piece of the struggling, tumultuous but such colored history of the city of Bucharest from other times.
The Buna Vestire Church – Curtea Veche is represented on the postage stamp with the face value of RON 0.30.
Being within the enclosure of the former Lord´s Court, the Church Buna Vestire is the oldest building in Bucharest kept until present. It was built at the end of the second reign of Mircea Ciobanu around the year of 1560. Partially destroyed by a fire in 1847, the church begins to be repaired two years later after the project of the Austrian architect I. Schlatter, the external aspect of the monument reaching a Neogothic appearance. The turret is rebuilt, a small porch is added, and the side chapels are demolished. The painting was restored in oil, in 1852, by Misu Popp and Constantin Lecca.
The Coltea Hospital is illustrated on the postage stamp with the face value of RON 0.80.
Organized after the Ospedale di San Lazzaro e Medicanti model in Venice, the Coltea hospital setting has been the first in Bucharest, built by the Ruler Mihai Cantacuzino at the end of 1704. Until the end of the 19th century, the building of the hospital suffered from earthquakes and fires, being eventually demolished. On its place was built the new building after the plans of the architect Schiferle. Within the court of the hospital, in 1869 the statue of the founder of the Coltea Hospital and Church, the Ruler Mihai Cantacuzino, was unveild.
In 1979, the Coltea Hospital was declared national monument under the UNESCO patronage.
The building of the Sutu Palace, presently the Museum of History and Arts of the Municipality of Bucharest is illustrated on the postage stamp with the face value of RON 3.00.
Between the years 1833-1834, two Viennese architects, Johan Veit and Conrad Schwinck, built for the great court marshal Costache Sutu, the palace whose name it wears. Built in Neogothic style, in the exterior, the building has four small towers placed two by two on the Northern and Southern sides. The one who has chosen to use interior ornaments in Neoclassical style, was the sculptor Karl Storck. In the second part of the 19th century here took place the famous evening parties organized by the spouses Grigore and Irina Sutu.
After the First World War, the building sheltered the headquarters of the City Hall of the city of Bucharest, of the Chrissovelony Bank, of the Savings Bank House, and after the Second World War, of the Construction Institute.
With the occasion of the celebration of a century since the Union of the Principalities, in 1959, the Sutu Palace becomes, as it was natural, the place home for history and art of the centennial city.
The First Romanian Architecture School is illustrated on the postage stamp with the face value of RON 4.70.
In 1891, the Romanian Architects Society founds a private architecture school. After an uninterrupted five years functioning, the Architecture School of the Romanian Architects Society, by the study reform initiated by Spiru Haret, becomes the National School of Architecture, section of the Belle Arte School.
After only seven years, in 1904 was taken off the tutorship of the Belle Arte School and is named the Superior School of Architecture, independent high education institution whose first director would be Ermil Pangrati. After a series of legislative and organization modifications, beginning with 1952, the new denomination will be the “Ion Mincu” Architecture and Urbanism University, the founder of the Romanian architecture school.
The old building has been designed by Grigore Cerchez and Iorgu Ciortan and built between 1912-1915, by Simion Vasilescu, and between 1920-1927 by Constantin and Nicolae Dobrescu.
The Bucharest Patriarchal Cathedral is illustrated on the perforated souvenir sheet with the face value of RON 8.10.
The Patriarchal Cathedral, next to the Patriarchal Palace and the Palace of the Romanian Patriarchate form a representative ensemble of Romania´s Capital.
The building of the Cathedral is raised on the place of the former monastery, built in 1656 by the voivode Constantin Serban Basarab (1654-1658). It was painted for the first time in 1665, during the rule of Radu Leon who, by the document from July of the year of 1668, decided that the monastery become a metropolitan residence. In 1688, the bishop Varlaam printed here entirely in the Romanian language, the Bible from Bucharest.
Inside, there can be found in a silver coffin, richly ornamented, the relics of Saint Dimitrie the New, brought in 1774.
The belfry finished in 1698, was raised by the voivode Constantin Brancoveanu.
Along time, restructurings, expansions and transformations have taken place, the last one ending in 2008.

For the documentary consulting granted at the accomplishment of this philatelic issue we bring thanks to the City Hall of the Municipality of Bucharest, to the Romanian Patriarchy, to the History and Art Museum of the Municipality of Bucharest, to the Library of the Romanian Academy, to the Bucharest Metropolitan Library and to the “Dimitrie Cantemir” Library in Bucharest.

Issue date: 2009-09-18

