
Author name: Virgil Vasilica

Romfilatelia invited to the International Symposium ‘The Monument – Tradition and Future’

Iași, October 4th, 2024 The unique national event, hosted at the Braunstein Palace, was dedicated to the research, conservation, and restoration of monuments. The presence of Romfilatelia at this event was considered important by the ‘Regina Maria’ Municipal Museum of Iași, considering the postage stamp issues dedicated to historical monuments and their founders, highlighting the […]

Culture and Traditions through Philately

Romfilatelia, together with the ‘Dimitrie Gusti’ National Village Museum, in collaboration with the Romanian Embassy in the Kingdom of Morocco, launched the special philatelic product dedicated to the Exhibition of Romanian and Moroccan Costumes taking place in Rabat between September 25th and December 18th this year. The event was organised by the National Foundation of

The Voice of Silence

Feelings of understanding, care and support for our hearing impaired fellow people! Romfilatelia will introduce into circulation on Wednesday, September 4th this year, a issue of postage stamps whose subject addresses a special social situation that concerns people with hearing impairments. Achieved with the direct support of the Romanian National Association of the Deaf (ANSR),

The Romanian postage stamp on the traces of civilization, in Rome

June 17th, 2024 The Romanian Embassy in Italy has organized, together with the “Dimitrie Gusti” National Village Museum, the exhibition “Romania-Italy: The Art of Embroidery and Ceramics, Heritage of Humanity”, hosted by the Hall of Honour of the Museum of Civilizations in Rome, from June 18th to July 14th, 2024. In the presence of an

Mihai Eminescu 135 years

Chișinău, June 7th, 2024 To mark the commemoration of 135 years since the death of the greatest Romanian poet, Mihai Eminescu, Romfilatelia has produced the honorary album “Eminescu 135”, designed to present to readers a first part of the famous poem “Epigonii” (Epigonies), not with the pretense of a commentary on the creation but with

European SpaceFest 2024 Summit

Bucharest, June 3rd, Parliament Palace The National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, in partnership with the Romanian Space Agency (ROSA), with the support of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the US Embassy in Romania, organized the largest event in the region dedicated to the exploitation of outer space and the opportunities it

Romfilatelia together with the Embassy of Israel in Romania

May 16th, 2024 The 76th anniversary of the founding of the State of Israel was celebrated at the National Opera together with Romanian and Israeli officials, the Ambassador of the State of Israel in Bucharest, Mr. Reuven Azar, the host of the event, friends and those close to the people with whom we are linked
