The philatelic booklet, achieved in a limited run printing of 390 pieces contains the block of 4 perforated stamps of the issue. Each block is numbered from 001 to 390.
The philatelic booklet, achieved in a limited run printing of 390 pieces contains the block of 4 perforated stamps of the issue. Each block is numbered from 001 to 390.
An interesting issue, having as topic Flora, will be introduced into circulation by Romfilatelia on Thursday, March 06th, this year, under the title Magnolias, consisting of four postage stamps, a set of 4 maxicards, for maximaphilia enthusiasts, a block of 4 stamps enclosed in a philatelic booklet and a First Day Cover. Magnolias are a
The special philatelic folder is created into a limited run printing of 185 pieces and is equipped with the special block of two imperforated stamps of the issue, numbered from 001 to 185 and a postcard.
Romfilatelia introduces into circulation on Tuesday, February 4th, this year, an anniversary issue dedicated to an event of major importance in the history of the Romanian Orthodox Church: the elevation of the Romanian Orthodox Church to the rank of Patriarchate. Under the title Centennial Year of the Romanian Patriarchate, the issue consists of a postage
‘A stamp and a patch of sky above you’ Romfilatelia adds to its philatelic collectible themes a new issue entitled CELESTIAL FAUNA. CONSTELLATIONS – in which astronomy and postage stamps images come together to illustrate the deep connection between heaven and earth. The project explores the intersection between astronomy, mythology and natural cycles through four
The philatelic folder is created in a limited run printing print of 261 copies and it is equipped with a collection philatelic block containing the two imperforated stamps of the series and the imperforated souvenir sheet of the Christmas 2024 issue made by a special typographic process (foiling, polychrome printing and selective varnish). The philatelic
The Great Feast of the Nativity, presented in the world of postage stamps, can be found in the Christmas 2024 philatelic issue that Romfilatelia will introduce into circulation on Friday, November 22nd, this year. It consists of two stamps, a perforated souvenir sheet, a First Day Cover and a special philatelic folder created in a
Pentru a marca semicentenarul Premiului Nobel obținut de geniul biologiei celulare, Romfilatelia a inclus în Planul editorial al anului 2024 emisiunea de mărci poștale George Emil Palade, Premiul Nobel. 50 de ani. Emisiunea, alcătuită din 1 timbru, 1 coliță dantelată și 1 plic „prima zi”, va intra în circulație marți, 19 noiembrie, data aniversării savantului
Mapa filatelică este realizată în tiraj limitat de 218 exemplare și este echipată cu blocul filatelic special de 4 timbre nedantelate al emisiunii, alături de ștampila „Prima zi”, aplicată în clar, în folio. Blocul filatelic special este numerotat de la 001 la 218.
Romfilatelia introduces into on Tuesday, November 12th, this year, an interesting and original postage stamps issue with a subject that defines a fauna area: Homochromy and Mimicry. Homochromy is the phenomenon by which a species camouflages itself by having a colour, either permanent or temporary, that blends with its environment. Permanent or variable homochromatic colouring,