
About Philately

Philately may be defined as the study and collecting of philatelic products, especially stamps. However, philately is more than a simple preference for beauty. Challenge, information, friendship and entertainment are just a few of the features characterizing one of the most popular hobbies across the world: philately. For more than 150 years, stamp collecting is one of the hobbies of the royal families, movie stars, sports celebrities and other public persons. Philately is a highly personal hobby and its popularity is determined by the fact that it is flexible to the necessities of the collector.

What is a stamp?

Before the issue of the postmark, the costs of letter deliveries used to be paid by the addressee. The execution of the first postage stamps has revolutionized the postal services, because the basic function of the stamps is represented by the advance payment of a postal service. In time, this function has diversified, but it is still based upon the same principle.
The postage stamps fulfill three main roles: receipt with a certain value for the advance payment of a postal service, a means of celebration and promotion of the national patrimony and a collection piece. But, above all, the postage stamp is a true ambassador of the culture, the history and the civilization of mankind, since its shape and function provide it with freedom to move around and the possibility to convey information throughout the world.
The stamp acquires value to the eye of the beholder, since it is both a pleasurable sight, through the beauty of the design, of the colors and of the printing technique, and a study of the history, culture and civilization of mankind, as it may reveal details about events, persons and places, but especially about the itinerary of an envelope towards its destination.

What is the first issue of Romanian postmarks?

The first stamp in the world was issued in Great Britain and it was called the Penny Black.

Eighteen years later, on July 15th 1858, the first issue of Romanian postage stamps, called the Bull’s head, was issued. It was printed in Moldavia and reproduced the heraldic sign from the state emblem.

The first Romanian postage stamps issue is made up of four values: 27, 54, 81 and 108 dimes.

Stamp collecting had a powerful impact on our country. This European hobby reached the Romanian territory around 1865, during the reign of Alexandru Ioan Cuza. At that time, the individual collectors or tobacco merchants used to sell our first postage stamps: the Bull’s head, the United Principăalities, or Cuza. The need for communication between the stamp collectors led to them organizing in various philatelic societies and clubs, which had an intense activity especially at the beginning of the XX century.

Nowadays, the stamp represents, next to the flag, anthem, emblem and coin one of our national symbols.


Philatelic Policies and the Code of Ethics
  • Payment instrument
  • Use of the stamp in a monetary context
  • Ambassador, instrument of public diplomacy
  • Means of universal education
  • Promoter of the national image, educational role and bearer of information
  • Declaration of sovereignty in promoting foreign policy
  • Proof of appearance in international organizations
  • Image of the national postal service
  • Environmental protection
  • Marketing tools
  • Collection object
  • Illustrative support for other philatelic products
  • Marketing tool for the private sector
  • Souvenir

Stamps are used by states to illustrate their status, personalities, history, culture, traditions, spirituality, topography, fauna and flora, tourism, industry, architecture and sports.

“Between July 21 and August 2, 1858, the first stamps from Southeast Europe were issued in the Principality of Moldavia. Amazingly, this happened even before the first stamps of the Ottoman Empire.

The first Romanian stamps, the so-called Bourgeois Heads of the Principality of Moldavia, again play an important role in the international world of philately. Thus, the Bourbon heads of Moldavia are among the rarest stamps in Europe, even in the world. ”

Fritz Heimbüchler RDP AIEP AIJP



Romfilatelia elected in the Management Committee of the World Association for the Development of Philately, body of the Universal Postal Union (UPU).

During the general meeting of the World Philatelic Development Association (WADP) held online from October 25-26 a.c., Romfilatelia was elected by the members of the General Assembly in the Management Committee of WADP for the period 2022-2025, together with: Slovenia, Luxembourg , Russian Federation, Turkey, Tunisia, People’s Republic of China, Ivory Coast and the United Arab Emirates.

The World Association for the Development of Philately (WADP) was established in 1997. WADP operates within the Postal Operations Council (POC), specifically as part of Committee 3 (Development of Electronic Markets and Services). The main purpose of WADP is to develop and promote philately through a continuous and positive dialogue between philatelic partners and designated operators.

The election of Romfilatelia in the Management Committee of WADP is a confirmation of the appreciation enjoyed by the activity of issuing Romanian postage stamps at international level, the stamp representing a global ambassador of Romania, emissary of national and international cultural values.

About the Universal Postal Union

Created in 1874 by the Treaty of Bern, the Universal Postal Union (then called the General Postal Union) is one of the oldest international organizations, with Romania being one of the 22 founding member countries.

The treaty was signed on October 9, 1874, which later became World Post Day. Since 1878, due to the large number of countries that have joined, the General Postal Union has become the Universal Postal Union, still based in Bern, Switzerland.

