March 24th, 2023
In a solemn atmosphere, Romfilatelia joined the first engineering school in Romania, POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, at the celebration of more than two centuries since its establishment.
On this occasion, Romfilatelia, the only company authorized by the Romanian state to issue Romanian postage stamps, marked the 205th anniversary of the establishment of POLITEHNICA of Bucharest with two presentation philatelic panels.
In the presence of representatives of the Romanian Parliament and Government, of the academic world, of the diplomatic corps accredited in Bucharest, of the coordinators of various universities in Bucharest and in the country, as well as of students, the rector of the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Mihnea Costoiu, delivered an opening speech, underlining the fundamental values that underlie the activity of the institution: performance, innovation, collaboration.
Romfilatelia will continue its mission as a promoter of national values, with the promise that it will stand by the flagship institution of Romanian technology at the forthcoming events.
Happy Anniversary, POLITEHNICA of Bucharest!
#UPB #GovernmentofRomania #MinistryofEducation #MCID #RomanianAcademy #EuropeanUniversityAssociation #FrancophonieUniversityAgency #EmbassyofFranceinRomania