

image descriptionOn November 20th 1989, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child.On November 20th 1989, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

This one was ratified by the Romanian Parliament on 27th of September 1990 and published in the Official Gazette no. 109 of 28th of September 1990.

To mark the “20th anniversary since the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child”, Romfilatelia introduces into circulation this postage stamps issue.

By ratifying, the Romanian state promised to take all legislative, administrative and any other kind of measures necessary to implement children´s rights as they are stipulated in the Convention.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child is the most widely adopted human rights agreement in the world. In its 54 articles and two more extra sections (also entitled “protocols”) it offers details about the rights and their way of applicability. This ample document synthesizes the complex development of child´s potential in freedom, dignity and justice. At the basis of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child stands the child superior interest.

Among the most important regulations of the Convention, there may be mentioned:

–  the right of the child to establish and keep his own identity;

–  the child has the right to maintain personal relationships and direct contacts with parents, relatives and other people for whom the child has affection;

–  the child has the right to get an education allowing to develop his skills and personality;

–  the child has the right to enjoy the best health he can reach, and to benefit from medical and recovery services so as to insure the effective fulfillment of this right;

–  the child has the right to be protected against exploitation and not to be forced to do works that are potentially harmful;

–  the child has the right to enjoy a life standard that may grant his physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development;

–  the child has the right to be protected against the use of illegal drugs and psychotropic substances;

–  the child has the right to be protected against any forms of exploitation;

–  the child with disabilities has the right to a special care adapted to his needs;

–  the child has the right to have his public image and private life protected;

–  the child has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion;

–  the child has the right to free association as well as the right to peaceful assembly within the limits provided by the law;

–  the child belonging to ethnical, religious or linguistic minority has the right to his own cultural life, the declaration of his religious allegiance, the practice of his own religion and the right to use his language together with other members of the community he belongs to;

–  the child has the right to have his own personality and individuality respected and not to be subjected to physical punishment or other humiliating or degrading treatments;

–  the child has the right to rest and enjoy holidays;

–  the child has the right to be protected against any forms of violence, negligence, abuse, or bad treatments;

–  the child has the right to grow up close to his parents.

The ratification by Romania of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child favored the development of the civil society in the domain of protection and promotion of the rights of the child.

Nowadays, in Romania, there are international non-governmental organizations, NGO´s and foundations for the protection and promotion of the rights of the child, among which can be distinguished: United Nations Information Center of Romania, UNICEF, Save the Children Romania, World Vision etc, carrying out programs for children´s support.

The drawings illustrated on the postage stamp and the label of the postage stamps issue were made by Ioana Vezeanu and Ana Badea, 3rd grade pupils at Secondary School No. 143 in Bucharest, within the programs carried out by the organization Save the Children Romania.

On the first day cover of the issue it is illustrated the drawing of Elena Daniela Oprea, 8th grade pupil at “Nicolae Tonitza” Plastic Arts High School, made within the UNICEF Romania Campaign, for the promotion of the anniversary event.

For the support granted in the accomplishment of this postage stamps issue, Romfilatelia kindly thanks to both UNICEF Romania and Save the Children Romania organizations.

Issue date: 2010-09-27

