

flora_MWith a surface of 47,000 ha, Rodna Mountains National Park includes the highest peaks of Eastern Carpathians (Pietrosu Mare Peak, 2303 m) and one of the oldest natural reservations in our country (Pietrosu Mare, 1932), known as Biosphere Reservation. With a surface of 47,000 ha, Rodna Mountains National Park includes the highest peaks of Eastern Carpathians (Pietrosu Mare Peak, 2303 m) and one of the oldest natural reservations in our country (Pietrosu Mare, 1932), known as Biosphere Reservation. The importance of this National Park is due both to the geology of the massif and to the diversity of flora and fauna species, some of them very rare and others found only on this massif. Moreover, in 1979, UNESCO MaB Committee (Man and the Biosphere) in Paris decided to award this area with the status of Biosphere Reservation.
In order to support the efforts made for the environment protection – fauna and flora included – which are part of our national wealth and should be preserved for the future generations, Romfilatelia releases the postage stamps issue “Flora from protected areas – The Rodna Mountains”.
The stamps collectors will discover illustrated in this philatelic issue the following flowers: Pigeon’s Gizzard, Martagon Lily, Large Pink, Alpine Aster, Bell-flowers and Edelweiss.
Edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum), a real wonder of the nature, stated nature’s monument and protected by law, is illustrated on the stamp with the face value of RON 0.30.
It is a perennial plant, has a line stem without branches, 5-20 cm high in Romania, but in other countries it can be higher, up to 50-80 cm. The edelweiss grows in alpine areas, but sometimes we can meet it in subalpine zones. It has woolly leaves on top, some bigger, some smaller, forming a star shaped flower. The plant is covered with soft white-silver hairs, which give it grace and beauty. It flowers in July and August.
Alpine Aster (Aster alpinus) – illustrated on the stamp with the face value of RON 0.60.
The Alpine aster is a low plant, met in subalpine and alpine areas. It grows in rocky soils, in sunny places and it is 10-15 cm high. Its flowers have a diameter of 5 cm. They are colored in pink with a yellow center. It flowers in May and June.
Large Pink (Dianthus superbus) – illustrated on the stamp with the face value of RON 1.00.
The Large pinks often form shrubs, have thin stems, up to 30 cm high, with clusters of flowers on top, flowers which have a diameter of 1.5-2.5 cm. The leaves are slender, laid in pairs; those on the base of the stem are many and thin. The large pink flowers in June and July and we can find it in grassy rocky places, sometimes even on desert rocks.
Pigeon’s Gizzard (Silene nivalis) – illustrated on the stamp with the face value
of RON 1.20.
It is the most well-known flower, endemic species which represents the emblem of Rodna Mountains National Park; here is the only area where it grows.
Bell-flowers (Campanula persicifolia) – illustrated on the stamp with the face value of RON 2.40.
They are a perennial species, 30-70 cm high. The plant flowers in June and July and we can see it in skirts of forests, but also on mountain paths, to which it gives a vivid look.
Martagon Lily or Turk’s cap Lily (Lilium martagon) – illustrated on the stamp with the face value of RON 3.10.
The lily is one of the oldest flowers planted by humans, dating from at least five thousand years ago, even older than the rose. Native to Europe, it reaches 100 cm high and has pink-purple flowers. Its petals are much wriggled to outside, showing a special beauty.
We want to bring here special thanks to Rodna Mountains National Park Administration (Biosphere Reservation) for the documentary consultancy offered for this philatelic issue.

Issue date: 2009-03-28

