
COTROCENI PALACE, History and Heraldry

cotroceni_M“If it ever be to throw me out of this country that is so cute, I want to remain something nice from me.” (Maria Regina)
“If it ever be to throw me out of this country which is so dear to me, I remain something nice from me.” (Maria Regina)
Over the past three centuries until the end Cotroceni Palace and today look … Three hundred years of eventful history, during which its walls there have been rulers of countries Romanian ruler of the United Principalities, princes and kings of Romania.
Local history begins in 1679, when the Romanian ruler Serban Cantacuzino begin to build on the estate Cotroceni, a whole monastic and royal houses with sixteen rooms.
In 1780, Prince Alexander Ypsilanti arbor adds a level of 20 meters, and in 1852, Prince Dimitrie Barbu decides Ştirbei making princely houses.
After the Union of Romanian Principalities, Alexandru Ioan Cuza asked to give a whole new look all built to be used as a royal palace.
For over two decades, this will be the summer residence of Charles I, and later, permanent crown prince Ferdinand and Maria.
In 1893 the residence was demolished and the upper chamber decides to leave room for the new princely palace, whose construction – by architect Paul Gottereau – will last until 1895.
After 1900, the Palace will always be modified and rearranged taste Princess, The Queen Mary’s loving Art Nouveau style will be asked architect Karel Lieman and traditions of his new homeland. Brâncovenesc pleasant decorative style heritage of the palace by architect Gregory Cerchez.
Since 1949, the Pioneers Palace Cotroceni Palace will become, until 1976.
After the earthquake of 1977, for ten years, Palace, will enter the extensive restoration works, which are coordinated by architect Nicholas Vlãdescu. Once these works, and start building new wing of Cotroceni Palace.
The new body construction of the Palace were taken bodies of the other old architectural elements, resorting but predominantly Romanian traditional heritage provinces.
In 1984 the church was demolished raised by Serban Cantacuzino, today it was rebuilt entirely.
Since 1989, the Palace Cotroceni Presidential administration hosts.
Since 1991, the old wing of the palace houses the National Museum Cotroceni museum in 1994 was awarded the European Museum of the Year Award – Special Commendation.
Continuing its intention to promote art and cultural institutions and values ​​patimoniului national Romfilatelia introduces into circulation the postage stamps issue “Cotroceni Palace, History and Heraldry.”
The six stamps of postage stamps issue illustrates the stained glass windows from the Union Hall of the Palace Cotroceni.
On stamps with face values ​​of 50 money, money, and 2.40 lei 80 Emblems are represented Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania.
The stamp with the face value of money 60 illustrated founder of Wallachia Basarab I, who ruled between 1310-1352.
The stamp with the face value of 1.00 lei is illustrated founder of Moldova, Bogdan I, who ruled between 1359-1365.
The stamp with the face value of 3.10 lei is illustrated Michael the Brave, Romanian ruler who made the first Unification of the Romanian Principalities in 1600.
The stamp souvenir sheet is illustrated an overview of Cotroceni Palace. We thank Mr. dr. Arch. Vlãdescu Niculae (the coordinator of the restoration works of the Palace Cotroceni) for advice given in making this documentary postage stamps.
“If it ever be to throw me out of this country which is so dear to me, I remain something nice from me.” (Maria Regina)
Over the past three centuries until the end Cotroceni Palace and today look … Three hundred years of eventful history, during which its walls there have been rulers of countries Romanian ruler of the United Principalities, princes and kings of Romania.
Local history begins in 1679, when the Romanian ruler Serban Cantacuzino begin to build on the estate Cotroceni, a whole monastic and royal houses with sixteen rooms.
In 1780, Prince Alexander Ypsilanti arbor adds a level of 20 meters, and in 1852, Prince Dimitrie Barbu decides Ştirbei making princely houses.
After the Union of Romanian Principalities, Alexandru Ioan Cuza asked to give a whole new look all built to be used as a royal palace.
For over two decades, this will be the summer residence of Charles I, and later, permanent crown prince Ferdinand and Maria.
In 1893 the residence was demolished and the upper chamber decides to leave room for the new princely palace, whose construction – by architect Paul Gottereau – will last until 1895.
After 1900, the Palace will always be modified and rearranged taste Princess, The Queen Mary’s loving Art Nouveau style will be asked architect Karel Lieman and traditions of his new homeland. Brâncovenesc pleasant decorative style heritage of the palace by architect Gregory Cerchez.
Since 1949, the Pioneers Palace Cotroceni Palace will become, until 1976.
After the earthquake of 1977, for ten years, Palace, will enter the extensive restoration works, which are coordinated by architect Nicholas Vlãdescu. Once these works, and start building new wing of Cotroceni Palace.
The new body construction of the Palace were taken bodies of the other old architectural elements, resorting but predominantly Romanian traditional heritage provinces.
In 1984 the church was demolished raised by Serban Cantacuzino, today it was rebuilt entirely.
Since 1989, the Palace Cotroceni Presidential administration hosts.
Since 1991, the old wing of the palace houses the National Museum Cotroceni museum in 1994 was awarded the European Museum of the Year Award – Special Commendation.
Continuing its intention to promote art and cultural institutions and values ​​patimoniului national Romfilatelia introduces into circulation the postage stamps issue “Cotroceni Palace, History and Heraldry.”
The six stamps of postage stamps issue illustrates the stained glass windows from the Union Hall of the Palace Cotroceni.
On stamps with face values ​​of 50 money, money, and 2.40 lei 80 Emblems are represented Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania.
The stamp with the face value of money 60 illustrated founder of Wallachia Basarab I, who ruled between 1310-1352.
The stamp with the face value of 1.00 lei is illustrated founder of Moldova, Bogdan I, who ruled between 1359-1365.
The stamp with the face value of 3.10 lei is illustrated Michael the Brave, Romanian ruler who made the first Unification of the Romanian Principalities in 1600.
The stamp souvenir sheet is illustrated an overview of Cotroceni Palace. We thank Mr. dr. Arch. Vlãdescu Niculae (the coordinator of the restoration works of the Palace Cotroceni) for advice given in making this documentary postage stamps.
Date Published: 2011-12-21

